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I'm Javed Khan I'm from Pakistan,Rawalpindi.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Operation Black Face for Assange & Wiki

New Delhi: At a time when powerful states across the globe have come together to take on the whistle-blowers wikileaks and Julian Assange, for exposing the facts which the states never wanted us to know, the civil society cannot afford to be a moot spectator.

Today is one of those day’s when the word neutrality has lost its meaning, today is the day when the word tolerance seizes to exist, in fact today ,those who are silent are sinners because today we have a situation where a mass murder of truth, liberty, freedom and free speech is taking place in front of the whole world.

Being the citizens of world’s largest democracy, we also could never afford to remain silent over this gigantic injustice. Yes we all have careers, we all have other duties to complete but we also have to rise up to protect the basics of democracy and social values.

As the state’s crackdown on wikileaks and its associates started, a group of supporters of wikileaks and Julian Assange started targeting the websites belonging to those who showed hostility to wikileaks. The operation was called payback. This eventually attracted some inadvertent criticism from section of society for causing discomfort to common people.

Meanwhile Julian Assange, wikileaks website and all its associates were continuously being censored by the world’s most powerful democracy and its allies. At the same time citizens from the world’s largest democracy were formulating a protest that was never heard and never seen.

Operation Black Face is an event scheduled on 18th December 2010. People around the internet would display a black profile pic across the major social networking websites to protest against the state’s hostility against whistle blowers (Wikileaks and Julian Assange).

It would also see a number of people around the globe wearing black clothes or tying black badges on arms. We are currently expecting a number of 50000 people on facebook and twitter to participate in this movement.
The very same day supporters of life, liberty, freedom and transparency would write a common e-mail to UK Supreme Court as a symbolic message from the well meaning citizens across the globe, pleading what the highest court could do to set a precedent for the generations to come that would protect whistle-blowers and free media.

This message would demonstrate the strength of the silent majority which today, is in favor of Julian & friends and against the governments in front of governments across the globe. This message would also suggest the governments that the citizens have digested and accepted the bitter truth as it came to them, now it is turn of state to have a face-off with the truth and respect those who helped bringing it out or else the majority would overrule them someday.

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